Monday, September 2, 2019

A country I would like to visit

Resultado de imagen para plaza de la revolucion
Plaza de la RevoluciĆ³n

Hello my dear friends!, it’s me again, after almost 2 years(because I am too lazy to take this subject ) I am back.

In this time I am going to show you what the country that I would like to visit.

This country it’s very special for me because it has a lot of history and culture throughout its island that is located in the northern Caribbean. This country is the Republic of Cuba.

Well, one of the big reason that I really like this country is because all the story that is involved with the Cuban revolution (¡Hasta la victoria siempre!) and the fact that, due to an economic blockade made by the USA government , a lot of cars, buildings, monuments and other technologies that look like a retro movie.

Resultado de imagen para revolucion cubana
Cuban Revolution

If one day I have the luck to go there, I would like to visit the Havana, basically for the retro style that it has and to take a selfie at the plaza de la revolucion with the memorial of Ernesto Guevara (<3) behind ,while I’m smoking a puro thinking  why United States it’s a moron country (joke).
Resultado de imagen para havana

Now, talking seriously, if I have to choose between live in Cuba or Chile, probably I will prefer Chile because deep inside of me, I really love the consumerism and the shopping mall šŸ˜¢.