Tuesday, April 25, 2017

My favorite piece of technology

Resultado de imagen para sony xperia m4 aqua

So,today i'm going to show you what is my favorite piece of technology and why i chose that

Almost all my life, the music was a very important thing for me , it helps me when i am sad , alone , depressed ,happy , anxious , nervous ,etc. Basically, it could be said that i need the music.

When i was a child, i listen it on a very old radio, in that time , i used to listen my mom´s CDs all the time, mainly Los Prisioneros ones.

When i was in my emo stage, i used a MP4 that my parents gave me on Christmas.In that years i used it to listen My Chemical Romance all the day jaja, but ,suddenly, my MP4 passed away :C.

Last year, my dad gave me my first smartphone,and i love it.Now i listen to music all the time and i discovered a lot of new things.

So, i choose the cellphone as my favorite piece of technology,because it is very easy to carry, it has a lot of another functions (like talk with your friends on WhatsApp, see a movie on Netflix,use the cellphone in a test(joke),as an alarm, etc), and , the most important thing, i can use it to listen the music(i use the Spotify app <33).

Basically, i use the cellphone all the day to chat with my friends,to see the time and, obviously, to listen to music.

Sometimes, in my free time, i used to think how would be my life if i didn't have a cellphone, and i concluded that it will be so difficult for me, i couldn't chat with my girlfriend and friends anymore :c,it will be most difficult to listen to music, and, the most important thing, i can´t use it for copy on a test jajaja(joke again).

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

My decision

Well,i am a student of the career of chemistry and pharmacy right now.But what where my dreams when i was a child ,what made me study this career and what kind of job would i like to have?

When i was a child everything i did or thought were influenced by the video-games and movies, for example, i always love the Star wars saga, so i dreamed a lot  to be an astronaut,my frustrated dream :c(joke)

The years passed and i started to change, and my dreams started to change too. In the institute were i studied , i started to love the Biology and Chemistry area. specially the last one.

In that moment i started to think about my future, about what will i do for survive.So, the idea of working in something related to chemistry or biology  came to my head.First,i thought to study Biochemistry or Medical Technology , but it will be very hardly for me to enter in those careers, because my NEM and ranking sucks :cc.

The time passed and,once i learned my PSU score, i realised that  my score wasn´t enough to study those careers, so i started to looking for another options.And, in that moment, i started to thought about study the career of Chemistry and pharmacy, and i started to love the idea of working at forensic Area ,or working at the area of Clinic Pharmacy to,including the fact that this career have a very big  labor field.  

So , at the moment of choose what career study,i choose the career of chemistry and pharmacy as the first option.I was so happy when i realised that finally i was a student of that career in the Universidad de Chile.

Now, i have the luck to say that this was a good option, cause i met a lot of good people and,although this career is difficult, i loved it.

In the future, i would like to work in something related to the forensic area, i don´t know why, but i love it jajaja

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

changes of my life...

So, my name´s Sebastian Antonio Barraza Cartagena , i still have seventeen years old (unfortunately), now i am a student of chemistry and pharmacy at the Universidad de Chile. I have two sisters, my big sister´s name is Gabriela and the little one´s name is Maria José. My father´s name is Iván , he is an engineer and my lovely mother´s name is Sandra, she is the strongest person i have never meet

Well, lets talk about me, my childhood was very quiet but there only was  one problem, my mother was very overprotective with me, and that made me a very shy and lonely child.Basically , my sister was my best friend in my childhood, we did all together.And my father? well, he was absent almost all my childhood,basically i was raised by my mother. and the video-games.

When i was 5 years, I enter to study at the school Santa María of Maipú. There i made a lot of friends, i was very happy at that school,At that time i was a emo too (shamefully), i listen My chemical romance everyday and i play a lot video-games

But everything change when i enter to study at the Instituto Nacional , there i met with a lot of people but i met with the stress to, i was so alone, my parents separated and my NEM sucks.When i was at IV grade i was very stressed because i needed to have a very good PSU score to enter at the university, and i have problems with the cigarettes.

Luckily, my PSU score was good and i finally enter to the university

The stress change my personality a lot, now i love to go to parties and get drunk(joke)

At the university my life change too, there i met with a lot of lovely people that made me forgot that i was stressed,and i met with a very special person that change my life <3

The life teach me that the life has a lot of "turns" and is our objective enjoyed all the moments.