Tuesday, April 18, 2017

My decision

Well,i am a student of the career of chemistry and pharmacy right now.But what where my dreams when i was a child ,what made me study this career and what kind of job would i like to have?

When i was a child everything i did or thought were influenced by the video-games and movies, for example, i always love the Star wars saga, so i dreamed a lot  to be an astronaut,my frustrated dream :c(joke)

The years passed and i started to change, and my dreams started to change too. In the institute were i studied , i started to love the Biology and Chemistry area. specially the last one.

In that moment i started to think about my future, about what will i do for survive.So, the idea of working in something related to chemistry or biology  came to my head.First,i thought to study Biochemistry or Medical Technology , but it will be very hardly for me to enter in those careers, because my NEM and ranking sucks :cc.

The time passed and,once i learned my PSU score, i realised that  my score wasn´t enough to study those careers, so i started to looking for another options.And, in that moment, i started to thought about study the career of Chemistry and pharmacy, and i started to love the idea of working at forensic Area ,or working at the area of Clinic Pharmacy to,including the fact that this career have a very big  labor field.  

So , at the moment of choose what career study,i choose the career of chemistry and pharmacy as the first option.I was so happy when i realised that finally i was a student of that career in the Universidad de Chile.

Now, i have the luck to say that this was a good option, cause i met a lot of good people and,although this career is difficult, i loved it.

In the future, i would like to work in something related to the forensic area, i don´t know why, but i love it jajaja


  1. Great history bro. But, what means "jajaja"?

  2. This it's the most relax and natural text that I read XD
    Great story.

  3. nice story, I would like to read more post.

  4. Oooow, I'm interested in the forensic area too... See you there
