Tuesday, June 27, 2017

My conclusion?

Hello my dear friends!,well, this will be the last post that I will write :c,and I will tell you about the whole experience about writing this blogs.

Well, I really enjoyed writing all these blogs, it helped me a lot wrote about all the problems that I've to face all my life , and, I love write about me , the kind of music that I listen ,my favourite movies ,my favourite photo, and even things about my career(like nanotechnology).And,I think that I improve my abilities about writing in english. Thanks Mr. Telha for gave me the opportunity of learn about myself <3  

Now , I´d like to talk,as the last post, about all of us.In this faculty( and in this career),I´ve meet a lot of beautiful people<3, including a person very special in my life <3.But , I´ve met a lot of people that really dislike me..., people that are selfish,people that are very arrogant, people who thinks they are better than others just because they´ve a better score, and that is not cool bro.

This career is one of the most difficult one, most of us are very stressed,sad and with the feeling of we made a mistake choosing this career.We must help each other,we must be kind,attentive,worried ,and friendly,because I don´t want to become a machine with a title in my hands,

Enjoy your life, do not kill yourself studying,enjoy this career,study,get drunk,get high,smile,cry,scream,laugh a lot,fall in love with someone,don´t lost your humanity,don´t become a machine.

"WE THINK TOO MUCH AND FEEL TO LITTLE.MORE THAN MACHINERY WE NEED HUMANITY"                                                                           -Charlie Chaplin 

1 comment:

  1. I really like your post, the quote from Charles Chaplin that your wrote it's very beautiful and very true :)
