Tuesday, April 4, 2017

changes of my life...

So, my name´s Sebastian Antonio Barraza Cartagena , i still have seventeen years old (unfortunately), now i am a student of chemistry and pharmacy at the Universidad de Chile. I have two sisters, my big sister´s name is Gabriela and the little one´s name is Maria José. My father´s name is Iván , he is an engineer and my lovely mother´s name is Sandra, she is the strongest person i have never meet

Well, lets talk about me, my childhood was very quiet but there only was  one problem, my mother was very overprotective with me, and that made me a very shy and lonely child.Basically , my sister was my best friend in my childhood, we did all together.And my father? well, he was absent almost all my childhood,basically i was raised by my mother. and the video-games.

When i was 5 years, I enter to study at the school Santa María of Maipú. There i made a lot of friends, i was very happy at that school,At that time i was a emo too (shamefully), i listen My chemical romance everyday and i play a lot video-games

But everything change when i enter to study at the Instituto Nacional , there i met with a lot of people but i met with the stress to, i was so alone, my parents separated and my NEM sucks.When i was at IV grade i was very stressed because i needed to have a very good PSU score to enter at the university, and i have problems with the cigarettes.

Luckily, my PSU score was good and i finally enter to the university

The stress change my personality a lot, now i love to go to parties and get drunk(joke)

At the university my life change too, there i met with a lot of lovely people that made me forgot that i was stressed,and i met with a very special person that change my life <3

The life teach me that the life has a lot of "turns" and is our objective enjoyed all the moments.


  1. I really love your post!! specially your emo moment haha
    See you :)

  2. I like your story.
    Congratulations for all yours achievements and enjoy your time in the university
