Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Something very important to us

Resultado de imagen para nanoparticles

Hello again my dear friends!.As you know I am a student in the career of chemistry and pharmacy and,in this career,its very important the chemistry(obviously) and the particles(like cells,virus,etc).In this post I´m going to talk to you about some particles that are very small, but that are very important too, I´m going to talk about the Nanoparticles.

The Nanoparticles are VERY SMALL (they are between 1 and 100 nanometers), they are used in the discipline of Nanotechnology.The Nanotechnology is the manipulation of particles in very small scale (atomic,molecular and supramolecular),with the objective of get benefits using a lot of disciplines (like organic chemistry, molecular biology,  microfabrication, molecular engineering,etc)

Now I´m going to do a focus in the area of Pharmaceutical nanotechnology,I learned about this area this year and i choose it basically because this area is very important in my career,a chemistry pharmacist work in everything related with medicaments(like the production, the effects, innovation ,etc)

So,this area uses a lot of disciplines(like microfabrication) with the aim of improving in the direction of delivery of the drugs, to a type of specific cells or tissues  improve the oral bioavailability(to sustain the effect of drugs or genes on a tissue for longer,to improve the solubility of drugs for intravascular administration,to improve the stability of therapeutic agents against the enzymatic degradation of the nucleases and proteases,among others.

This area is very important for all the humans( and animals too) now and in the future,because the viruses are constantly muting, and we need to have the best medicaments to face them.


  1. Pharmaceutical nanotechnology is very important for us ! nice post

  2. I read the other day about the use of photoluminescent nanoparticles in the cancer treatment, nice post!
