Tuesday, May 23, 2017

My favourite movies

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Hi again! As you know,I really love the world of the 7th art,the world of the movies,actors,directors,cameras,etc. But,sadly, I am piece of trash at the moment of read a book, because I always fall asleep.

So,I don´t have a favourite book :c .But, don´t worry, because in this post I am gonna to show you what movies are my favourites and why I choose them.

Around all my life, I watch A LOT of movies, so it´s really sad and unfair for me have to choose :c

Well,my favourite movies are The Star Wars saga, The Lord of the Ring/The hobbit saga,Trainspotting,American History X.

I saw The Star Wars and The Lord of the Ring/The hobbit  saga when my institute was protesting, and I fell in love with this sagas instantaneously , I love the epic history of both movies , his characters (Han solo <3,Yoda,Anakin/Darth Vader,Leia in Star Wars and Sam,Aragorn,Thorin <3,Gandalf in The Lord of the Ring/The hobbit).And the epic Soundtrack of both sagas <33333
Well Trainspotting was a movie that I watched the last summer, and I fall in love with the art direction, the particular way of show us the history , his characters (Spud <333333).This movie teach me how sad and dangerous is the world of the addiction to drugs (heroin in this case) and gives me a very deep reflection.

American History X,wow, this movie impacted me a lot,it changed mi mind, this movie tells the history of two brothers who become evolved in the neo-Nazi movement,the older one(Derek <3) passed  three years in prison for murdered a black guy,this episode makes him changed his beliefs.And now he tries to prevent his little brother (Danny <3) from follow the same path.I really recommend this movie, it will change your mind and  it makes you think.

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American History X

"Hate is baggage, life's too short to be pissed off all the time. It's just not worth it."

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

My favourite photo

"A picture is worth a thousand words"

Hello again, I have never told you before , but I really love the photographs , I really think that these are a piece of art.And for this reason, I am gonna to show you what is my favourite photography and why I chose it.

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Well, this photo is called "Guerrillero Heroico" and it was taken by the Cuban photographer Alberto Korda on March 5, 1960 , in the context  of a memorial service victims of the La coubre explosion in Havana,Cuba.

In the photo you can see the legendary figure of the Cuban Revolution, Ernesto "Che" Guevara, at the age of 31, looking at the horizon with a very imposing posture and with his black beret <333.

Well I really love this photo because I really admire the figure of "Che" Guevara and all related  to the Cuban revolution.The posture of Guevara is very imposing and his facial expression transmits pain  as well as anger,including  his revolutionary spirit of free his people and fight against the tyranny.

After the execution of Guevara,this photo became one of the most influential of the 20th century,representing the fight of all Latin America  against the imperialism of U.S.A.For this reason you can see this photo in bags, shirts,flags,hats,tattoos and all merchandise  (jajaja)

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

My kind of music

I always said that the music is a very important thing in my life. Now i am gonna to tell you what kind of music i listen, my favorite instrument,and ,even, my favorite music of some films.

Well,sincerely,i listen all kind of music.depending of my mood.For example,when i am sad , i listen alternative music(like José Gonzalez,Lights on even Lana del Rey),when i feel angry i listen very heavy music(like Suicide Silence,BMTH,Cannibal Corpse,etc), if i was relax i listen classic rock(like the Doors, Led Zeppelin,etc) or the music of some films (like Star Wars,Harry Potter) , incredibly, in the parties i like to listen the "reggaeton" or cumbia.

Now i'm gonna to tell you what is my favorite instrument, i always like the sound of the piano,the melodica´s one and the sound of the saxophone in the jazz music.But i have to admit that i prefer the sound of the electric guitar in the music in general,sometimes when i listen a very good "solo" , i start to have chills.

But,sadly, i am a piece of trash at the moments of play instruments, i just can play the flute or the metallophone(jajaja).When i studied in the institute, i have a lot of friends that can play the guitar very well,others plays the piano and,incredibly, one of them have a band(Drainer lml) and he plays the drums.

Well, i have a lot of favorite singers and bands, i love the voice of Jim Morrison(The Doors),Jay Buchanan(Rival Sons),Janis Joplin,Freddie Mercury(Queen),Ronnie James Dio(rip :cccc),among others.I have A LOT of favorite bands , so i am gonna to say the most important for me around all my life.When i was a child, i listened Los Prisioneros CD's of my mom, in my emo stage i listen My Chemical Romance <3 all the day,when i was in the institute i start to meet in the world of heavy metal , like Megadeth,Black Sabbath, etc. and the music punk(Sex pistols,Ramones,2 minutos,Fiskales ad-hoc,etc),last year (when i was anxious,nervous and a little depressed), i started to listen metal-core bands,like Bring me The Horizon,Suicide Silence,among others.

I have to admit that i keep listening the bands that i listen when i was a child(like Los Prisioneros and even My Chemical Romance)

In the world of the films, i love the epic music of The Lord of the ring.Harry Potter and Star Wars saga or any Quentin Tarantino's film(<3)