Tuesday, May 2, 2017

My kind of music

I always said that the music is a very important thing in my life. Now i am gonna to tell you what kind of music i listen, my favorite instrument,and ,even, my favorite music of some films.

Well,sincerely,i listen all kind of music.depending of my mood.For example,when i am sad , i listen alternative music(like José Gonzalez,Lights on even Lana del Rey),when i feel angry i listen very heavy music(like Suicide Silence,BMTH,Cannibal Corpse,etc), if i was relax i listen classic rock(like the Doors, Led Zeppelin,etc) or the music of some films (like Star Wars,Harry Potter) , incredibly, in the parties i like to listen the "reggaeton" or cumbia.

Now i'm gonna to tell you what is my favorite instrument, i always like the sound of the piano,the melodica´s one and the sound of the saxophone in the jazz music.But i have to admit that i prefer the sound of the electric guitar in the music in general,sometimes when i listen a very good "solo" , i start to have chills.

But,sadly, i am a piece of trash at the moments of play instruments, i just can play the flute or the metallophone(jajaja).When i studied in the institute, i have a lot of friends that can play the guitar very well,others plays the piano and,incredibly, one of them have a band(Drainer lml) and he plays the drums.

Well, i have a lot of favorite singers and bands, i love the voice of Jim Morrison(The Doors),Jay Buchanan(Rival Sons),Janis Joplin,Freddie Mercury(Queen),Ronnie James Dio(rip :cccc),among others.I have A LOT of favorite bands , so i am gonna to say the most important for me around all my life.When i was a child, i listened Los Prisioneros CD's of my mom, in my emo stage i listen My Chemical Romance <3 all the day,when i was in the institute i start to meet in the world of heavy metal , like Megadeth,Black Sabbath, etc. and the music punk(Sex pistols,Ramones,2 minutos,Fiskales ad-hoc,etc),last year (when i was anxious,nervous and a little depressed), i started to listen metal-core bands,like Bring me The Horizon,Suicide Silence,among others.

I have to admit that i keep listening the bands that i listen when i was a child(like Los Prisioneros and even My Chemical Romance)

In the world of the films, i love the epic music of The Lord of the ring.Harry Potter and Star Wars saga or any Quentin Tarantino's film(<3)

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