Saturday, December 28, 2019


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Hi my fellas, this is my last blog :c , it has been very interesting to tell you my feelings and thoughts about all my life ... today I´m going to tell you what postgraduates interest me.

My plan is,in first place, finish this career , and when that happens I will think what thing should I take for my future.One option is enter to work and ,when I have the enough money ,enter to study a postgraduate as long as it be a part-time course. And the second one is to do a postgraduate at the same time as the career, but this one is very difficult and stressing.Hence I think I´ll do the first one.

Allong this career there are a lor of subjets that I found very interesting, like microbiology or pharmacology , and for these subjects I think that these postgraduates could be interesting for me...

One of them is "bacteriology" , I like a lot the world of the microorganism because I found very interesting that these small things could easily kill you (or save you), and the idea of continue studying this is very nice.

Another one postgraduate that I found interesting is "clinical pharmacy" , because for me is very funny to work in a clinic (or hospital) and analyze clinical cases and see how to improve the use of medicaments.

So,Which postgraduates you have in mind?

My future job

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average pharmacist

Hello to everyone, how´re you doin? I hope the answer is fine , today I´m going to talk you about what future job I´d like to have.

As you know I study the carreer of Chemistry and Pharmacy , and one of the reasons why I choose it is because it has a very big variations of possible jobs...Of all the future jobs that I may have, there are two that I'm really interested. However I don´t think that I have to travel a lot any job be...and about the salary I only know that it will be en enough to buy a big TV and a console for videogames (joke).

So the first one is to work in the Pharmacy of an Hospital , I like it because I like a lot to have social relationships with my colleages, I did my intermediate practice in that place and I really like it....Another thing that interested me is the area of "pharmacovigilance" because it is so cool and very funny.

And the other one is investigate at the University , well this it´s a very complicated one because it requires to STUDY A LOT and I don´t know it is worth it.... mostly for the reason that I really hate to have stress and it will be two more years at the university :c.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

My momentary obsessions

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Cat´s eyes 

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Whats up my fellas, today I´ll talk you about the things that I´m really into...

For example, I really like to watch Tv series,(like Breaking bad , Game of thrones,etc ) and now I´m so obsessed with Vikings...guys this serie it's so cool, the actors and their performances are so brilliant (specially Ivar the boneless) and the history in general its really nice.

Other obsession that I have are the cats , I have 3 in my house and I really love them ,I love my dog too but sincerely the cats are most interesting for me.Why? because they are more independent, clever and with a lot of loftiness.

The first one it´s called Pelusa, she is very clever and so beautiful with her 3 colors (white, black and brown), she is the most "wild" of my cats because she born in the streets and we adopted her, but she has a very tender side too,one day she gets pregnant and the second cats born...His name is Peluso (yeah we are so original) he is more stupid and so grumpy :c but I still love him.Until one day a little cat stay outside my house and we decide to adopted him, we call him Peluse (ok this is so stupid) , he is my favorite one , he is very stupid,happy and playful , he always upset Peluso...Anyway , I love my 3 Pelusx

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

An embarrasing moment that I´m willing to admit

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pool with stagnant water.

Hi my dear fans, how you doin? Today I´m going to talk you about embarrasing moments in my life...

Allong all my life there are a lot of embarrasing moments, mostly because I´m so clumzy and I have very bad luck with a lot of things , for example , when I was a child I fell from a tricycle (yeah , A F*CKING TRICYCLE), but there is one embarrasing moment that I´ll never forget...

When I had 14 years, I was at the institute waiting for the class of "Language",it wasn´t in the regular classroom but it was in a "special room"(because in that room there was a projector for the presentations).But, outside that room, there was a very old pool ,obviously, with stagnant water on it.

So, one day I was playing with mi friends outside that room and we started to throw water beetwen us (omg we were so stupid...) but, one of my friends started to throw it to me , and I (very stupidly) started to walk backward...And suddenly I stumbled with the pool and fell in that very gross water.

In that moment, all my friends started to laught at me (obviously), I was so flushed, wet and smely , that moment was so terrible because I fell only for my fault :c

Monday, December 23, 2019

My favorite concert

Resultado de imagen para linkin park chile
Hello my dear friends, today I'll show you which is my favorite concert ever!

My passion for the concerts began when I was 17 years, it was the last Black Sabbath tour ever, so I decided to go because... its Ozzy Osbourne of course. And since that day I started to go to a lot of concert and festivals of music ( like cuicopalooza or Santiago Gets Louder).But, of all those concerts, there is one that literally touch my heart...

When I wass an emo teenager, there was a band that marked me, Linkin Park , their music help me with all the problems that I have to face allong all my life...So, for obvious reasons, when I knew that they are coming to Chile in a tour of their last album I get so happy and excited.

The concert was fantastic, I  jump, scream ,sing all the damn songs and even cry , It was the best fucking day of my entire life.

But two months later, Chester Bennington ( the vocalist ) commit suicide... his death hit me very hard in my heart, and in my life too, the hero of my teenager, the person that help me in my depression , now have commited suicide, it sucks a lot.

However , now I look that concert with a lot of love and happiness, I saw Chester and all the band one last time and that moment will be in my heart forever <3.

Resultado de imagen para chester bennington one more light

Sunday, October 6, 2019

My first video Omg

Hello my dear friends, here is the link of my first video, I hope you'll enjoy it xoxo

Monday, September 2, 2019

A country I would like to visit

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Plaza de la RevoluciĆ³n

Hello my dear friends!, it’s me again, after almost 2 years(because I am too lazy to take this subject ) I am back.

In this time I am going to show you what the country that I would like to visit.

This country it’s very special for me because it has a lot of history and culture throughout its island that is located in the northern Caribbean. This country is the Republic of Cuba.

Well, one of the big reason that I really like this country is because all the story that is involved with the Cuban revolution (¡Hasta la victoria siempre!) and the fact that, due to an economic blockade made by the USA government , a lot of cars, buildings, monuments and other technologies that look like a retro movie.

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Cuban Revolution

If one day I have the luck to go there, I would like to visit the Havana, basically for the retro style that it has and to take a selfie at the plaza de la revolucion with the memorial of Ernesto Guevara (<3) behind ,while I’m smoking a puro thinking  why United States it’s a moron country (joke).
Resultado de imagen para havana

Now, talking seriously, if I have to choose between live in Cuba or Chile, probably I will prefer Chile because deep inside of me, I really love the consumerism and the shopping mall šŸ˜¢.