Saturday, December 28, 2019

My future job

Resultado de imagen para dr simi
average pharmacist

Hello to everyone, how´re you doin? I hope the answer is fine , today I´m going to talk you about what future job I´d like to have.

As you know I study the carreer of Chemistry and Pharmacy , and one of the reasons why I choose it is because it has a very big variations of possible jobs...Of all the future jobs that I may have, there are two that I'm really interested. However I don´t think that I have to travel a lot any job be...and about the salary I only know that it will be en enough to buy a big TV and a console for videogames (joke).

So the first one is to work in the Pharmacy of an Hospital , I like it because I like a lot to have social relationships with my colleages, I did my intermediate practice in that place and I really like it....Another thing that interested me is the area of "pharmacovigilance" because it is so cool and very funny.

And the other one is investigate at the University , well this it´s a very complicated one because it requires to STUDY A LOT and I don´t know it is worth it.... mostly for the reason that I really hate to have stress and it will be two more years at the university :c.

1 comment:

  1. Pharmacovigilance is very cool, it is interesting to investigate the possible adverse effects of medications.
