Tuesday, December 24, 2019

An embarrasing moment that I´m willing to admit

Resultado de imagen para agua estancada pozo
pool with stagnant water.

Hi my dear fans, how you doin? Today I´m going to talk you about embarrasing moments in my life...

Allong all my life there are a lot of embarrasing moments, mostly because I´m so clumzy and I have very bad luck with a lot of things , for example , when I was a child I fell from a tricycle (yeah , A F*CKING TRICYCLE), but there is one embarrasing moment that I´ll never forget...

When I had 14 years, I was at the institute waiting for the class of "Language",it wasn´t in the regular classroom but it was in a "special room"(because in that room there was a projector for the presentations).But, outside that room, there was a very old pool ,obviously, with stagnant water on it.

So, one day I was playing with mi friends outside that room and we started to throw water beetwen us (omg we were so stupid...) but, one of my friends started to throw it to me , and I (very stupidly) started to walk backward...And suddenly I stumbled with the pool and fell in that very gross water.

In that moment, all my friends started to laught at me (obviously), I was so flushed, wet and smely , that moment was so terrible because I fell only for my fault :c

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